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Is your
Business Thriving? 

Lead with Purpose.
Empower your Team.

Drive Results.

Does your Business struggle with any of these?

Communication breakdowns:

Unclear expectations, and a lack of clarity can hinder productivity and decision-making.

Lack of strategy: Without a clear vision and defined goals, businesses can flounder, wasting resources and missing opportunities. 

Leadership issues: Poor leadership leads to low morale, decreased productivity, and high turnover. 

Inefficient processes: Outdated or poorly designed workflows can slow down operations, leading to errors, and frustrated employees.

No work-life balance:

Being overworked and stressed can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

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I can help you with:


Defining Your Vision + Strategy

Building a Strong TEAM

Optimizing Operations + Processes
Creating an Environment for Growth & Thriving
Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences

Embracing Continuous Learning & Adaptation

The Changemaker's Toolkit: Empowering Businesses for Impact



the source of negative thoughts and emotions



old habits and create new




your challenges with perspective and wisdom



to unwanted circumstances in productive ways



your your obstacles
into opportunities


Communication Skills

Half Day Intensive

Leadership Training

Full Day Immersion

Conflict Resolution


Relationship Coaching

Positive Intelligence

8-week Course


Business Coaching

Communication Skills
Half Day Intensive

Empower your team to collaborate and achieve more with my Communication Skills Half Day Intensive. This focused workshop equips your team with the tools to communicate clearly, connect effectively, and build stronger working relationships. They'll gain practical strategies for all communication situations, boosting team morale and productivity.

meeting communication


Improved Collaboration, Enhanced Problem-Solving, 

Stronger Working Relationships, Increased Productivity, Boosted Confidence & Reduced Conflict

business conversation


Relationship Coaching

Do you struggle with someone at work?

Relationship coaching strengthens a business from the inside out. By improving communication and fostering collaboration among employees, it creates a more positive and productive work environment.

This translates to happier employees, better problem-solving, and ultimately, a thriving business.

Leadership Training

Full Day Immersion

Unleash your team's full potential with our Leadership Training. This intensive program equips management with the skills to inspire, motivate, and drive results. Through interactive workshops, real-world simulations, and expert guidance, participants will improve communication, strategic thinking, conflict resolution, and team building. Invest in your future leaders and watch your business thrive.

successful meeting
Marta Czajkowska coaching on zoom

Positive Intelligence

8 Week Course

This is a game-changer for businesses. It equips employees to identify and disarm negative mental chatter ("Saboteurs") that hinder their performance and collaboration. By replacing these thoughts with empowering "Sage" mindsets, teams experience reduced stress, improved communication, and a boost in overall well-being. This translates to a happier, more productive workforce and a significant advantage in today's competitive market.

Conflict Resolution

Stuck in a disagreement? Conflict happens, but it doesn't have to stall progress. As a coach I act as your neutral guide, fostering open communication and helping unearth the root of the conflict. I'll equip you with skills to manage emotions, find common ground, and reach solutions that work for everyone. 


By avigating conflict constructively, we pave the way for stronger relationships and a more peaceful future.

conflict resolution
marta coaching client win

1-on-1 Coaching

Coaching is a jetpack for your business. Stronger leaders inspire and motivate teams, which means better communication, smoother collaboration, and happier employees. Anything that you don't see can harm your business. Coaching helps you see your limiting beliefs and blind spots. 

Think of it as an investment in a problem-solving powerhouse – your business thrives when you do!

“A coach is someone who tells you
what you don’t want to hear,
who has you see what you don’t want to see,
so you can be who you always knew you could be.”

Tom Landry

Meet Your Coach

I’m Marta,


I literally hit rock bottom when climbing unroped in Mexico I snapped off a hold, and my body slammed into the boulders 15 feet below, breaking 4 vertebrae. The following nerve-wrecking 12 hour journey to the hospital allowed me time to answer one simple question: “If I’m given another chance at life, how do I want to live it?” In this moment I realized I had no time to lose. In that moment I officially departed on a long and windy road to embodying my life's purpose to be a life coach. I now serve the world by leading others on their way to become their purest expression...

Growing up in a backdrop of communist Poland I developed a strong aversion to structure and societal guidelines... which I realized I never had to be a part of.... if I did exclusively what I loved - rock climbing in far corners of the earth. I literally lived my dream - I was training Navy Seals and galavanting around the world. And yet, a time came where that no longer felt fulfilling.

And then... I had a near death experience...

It was like going skiing on a powder day. No previous tracks were visible. What would it be like to live my life properly? What if I could climb three times harder? Try something so outrageous I never believed I could do before. And so I did. Like in climbing like in life. I started trying some hard stuff, then harder stuff. It turned out that all these years of rock climbing provided me with a spiritual growth goldmine, I use this wisdom daily in my life as a life coach.

Marta Czajkowska coach

Life-Changing Transformations

Hear What Happy Clients Have to Say

coaching with marta client
coaching with marta client
coaching with marta client
coaching with marta client
coaching with marta client
coaching with marta client

The best way to predict your future
is to CREATE it

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